Monday, November 24, 2014

Week 54

Hello everyone!

I hope you have all had a great week!  We had a pretty good week ourselves, which was good!  I was sick with a cold this week, but despite that we were able to get a lot of work done.  On Tuesday we were able to do a few hours of service, which was so great because we don't usually get to do that much service, so I definitely enjoyed that!  On Wednesday we were able to see Sister Batty, who is a less-active that wants to return to activity.  We caught her on her way out to work, but were able to share a quick message.  I'm really excited to help her return to activity, she is a really sweet lady!  We also had a lesson with a former investigator that went well.  We aren't quite sure how interested she is, but she agreed to take the lessons because she wants to know about the faith that her son will grow up in!  And, we are pretty positive that as we teach her truths of the gospel either way, she will slowly open up.  Then on Thursday we had a great Zone Conference and learned about a few different things.  We learned about an initiative that the church is putting out this Christmas season that you will all be learning about by the end of this week hopefully!  The church will be putting out a new video called "He is the Gift" and the initiative is for us as members to share the greatest gift that we have in our lives, which is our Savior.  It will be a neat way to keep us focused on the true meaning of Christmas, and will hopefully open people's hearts so that they will be more interested in our message!  The church has put a lot of time into it, and I hope that you all participate in it!  Then that evening we had a great lesson with a native couple, and we first learned about their traditional beliefs, then we shared the introduction to the Book of Mormon where it talks about how the Book of Mormon talks about the ancestors of the Native Americans.  After we shared that, their interest level went up and it was really neat to see the spirit touch them with the truths that we taught!  So we will start to teach them as well!  Then we had a great lesson with a sweet girl, Carlyn.  She just moved out here from California and we were able to talk about our Sacrament meeting and our other classes, and it was so cool!  She opened up a lot and we could feel the spirit and it was just a really neat lesson!  She said that she would come to church, but wasn't able to yesterday but said she will come this Sunday, so we are looking forward to it!  Then Saturday evening we were able to go to the Visitor's Center with Katie, and we were able to walk through the God's Plan for the Family presentation.  It was really neat, and at the end she shared some good thoughts on eternal families.  We are hoping that she becomes more motivated to have an eternal family of her own.  It's been a good week, and things are going well!  We are excited for Thanksgiving, and I hope that you all have a great Thanksgiving!  I am truly grateful for my Savior and all that he has done and continues to do for me.  I am so grateful for this gospel that leads and guides me in my life so that I can have peace and happiness in this life!  I love you all!

Sister Zimmerman
 this is Sister McConkie, one of the office staff.  She is so great and will be leaving in a couple of weeks, I will miss her a lot!  She is just so great!

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